This maths revision guide is unique. It focuses on the content that is necessary for all pupils to smash ‘expected standards’ and aim for greater depth at Key Stage 2. Covering the essential maths from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, it develops pupils’ arithmetic and reasoning skills … with lots of opportunities for solving problems!

Ready? A check-in ticket, key representations, vocabulary, misconceptions and carefully crafted worked examples.

Set? A selection of questions closely linked to the examples to provide deliberate practice of the essential skill.

Go! Further practice with a wider selection of SATs-style questions including reasoning and problem-solving.
Also included are a key word and phrase glossary, a key facts checklist and a set of times-table flashcards … to cut out. Not forgetting a full set of answers. Oh … and a cheeky guide to solving word problems.
Any questions? Get in touch: support@justaroo.co.uk